As with the eclipses of April 2005, there is a strong Martian-theme to this set of solar-lunar occultations, which links them to the spring eclipses of April 2013 – taking place in similar signs, they too carried a very strong Mars signature. It is worth saying that before Pluto was discovered, Mars was considered to be the original ruler of Scorpio – a sign associated with death and rebirth, as well as alchemy, healing and resurrection/reinvention. 2013 marked the death of quite a few prominent politicians, including Margaret Thatcher (April 2013) and Nelson Mandela. The latter part of the year also coincided with the reopening of the investigations into several prominent murders/disappearances, including Madelaine McCann.


TYPE: Appulse

DATE: 18 October 2013

DEGREE: 25 Degrees Aries

SABIAN SYMBOL: A man possessed of more gifts than he can imagine.

SAROS SERIES: The April 2005 Eclipses formed part of the Van Den Berg 117 series

RELATED OCCURRENCES: This eclipse is related to the solar eclipse that occurred on 20 July 2018 in the Brady 2 North saros series.

KEY PLANETS/ASPECTS: This eclipse formed a cardinal T-square to Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, suggesting tensions around beliefs concerning home/family/motherhood or issues around the definition of tribes or feelings of belonging, as well as inheritances (especially family homes) and food/nutrition. Interestingly, in July 2013, a during the peak house viewing period, a newly released house price calculator encouraged plenty of discussion, revealing a geographical divide in the UK, with prices in northern regions flatlining or falling, but rising to unaffordable levels in London and the south east. The autumn would have coincided with the finalisation of the vast majority of mortgage applications and home purchase contracts.

It also formed an out-of-sign trine to Mars in Virgo, ruler of Aries, which happened to be opposite Neptune at the time. Storms, floods and sea surges were quite pronounced during the winter of 2013, which would have been within the three-month umbra of this eclipse’s ‘shadow’.


TYPE: Hybrid

DATE: 3 Nov 2013

DEGREE: 11 Degrees Scorpio

SABIAN SYMBOL: An embassy ball.

THEMES: Scorpio is very secretive, but also very good at research and investigation because of its ability to suss undercurrents and penetrate below the surface/appearance of things to find the truth. Given the theme of the Sabian symbol, this eclipse could well have encompassed some form of crime investigation, espionage or intrigue. It’s interesting that around this time, there were two developments in unsolved murder cases – first news around the disappearance of Madelaine McCann in mid-October 2013; and secondly, a resurgence in media interest in the French Alps murders that took place in September 2012. Several other prominent criminal cases also came to our attention, including the sentencing of paedophile, Ian Watkins, and the death of ‘fast and furious’ actor, Paul Watkins in a car crash – an event with very strong Mars signatures. Scorpio is a sign associated with death and rebirth, so it may also be fitting that this eclipse cycle also coincided with the death of Nobel Peace prize winner, Nelson Mandela in December 2013, who had the Moon in Scoorpio natally.

KEY PLANETS/ASPECTS: The November 2013 eclipse took place in the midst of a stellium of planets in Scorpio, including Mercury and Saturn – both planets concerned with communication, intellectual pursuits, rules/institutions (especially the media and establishment) and in-depth investigations. Despite the generally positive aspects to the luminaries, the conjunction to Saturn does add a sombre or serious overtone to matters, and conjures up associations with old age and death/funerals. The luminaries also formed positive aspects to both Mars and Pluto, suggesting transformation, healing and resurrection/reinvention. A mystic rectangle, taking in the nodes, Neptune and Chiron, was also in play, which was likely to have an otherworldly, magical or healing aspect to it.

SAROS SERIES: Brady 16 North; Van den Berg: 143. Brady characterises this set of eclipses as ‘a gentle family of eclipses that brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of ideas.’ There may also be sudden flashes of insight, which the individual is advised to act on.

PREVIOUS OCCURRENCES: 1905, 1941, 1959, 1977, 1995

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