A full-Moon lunar eclipse in exacting and critical Virgo on the 14th preceded that of its more illustrious partner, the total solar eclipse in Aries on the 29th. Falling in opposition to Mercury in Pisces, which was also retrograde at the time, it signalled a time of misunderstandings and sharp emotional exchanges, probably centering around issues of disappointment or disillusionment with regard to high expectations not being met, health and work-related matters, and women in particular.

As a full Moon, it would have brought things to a head, closure, culmination or an end. The Moon also made a dynamic and stimulating aspect to Jupiter, planet of expansion, also retrograde in Scorpio. Normally quite an extroverted planet, infusing people with enthusiasm, optimism and an adventurous, happy-go-lucky nature, when retrograde it tends to make people more thoughtful, introspective and cautious especially in moral, cultural, educational or religious matters or with regard to travel plans.


Forming part of the 8 North Saros Series, this eclipse is associated with Uranian flashes of insight and genius, inventiveness and sudden urges for independence, according to Bernadette Brady.

The total solar eclipse in Aries, which occurred on the 29th, brought to the surface themes surrounding individuality, independence, and a strong desire for action or new beginnings. Aries is a very wilful and demands the right to forge ahead, undeterred by the fear of failure or the opinions of others.

If this is added to the themes that Bernadette Brady sets out for this eclipse series, it would seem as though we may experience Eureka moments which might set us off in new directions, or we may a strong urge to assert our independence within relationships, particularly those in which we feel we have lost our identity or submerged it temporarily in order to merge with another.

However, far from being straightforward to interpret, this eclipse was complicated by the fact that Pluto, planet of transformation, went retrograde on the same day. Whilst a Sun-Moon eclipse in Aries would usually signal dynamic change and new starts linked to external events, with Pluto retrograde some of this energy may have been driven inwards, making changes more introverted, mysterious or hidden than might otherwise be the case.

Previous occurrences of this Saros series include: 3 February 1916, 14 February 1934, 28 February 1952, 7 March 1970, and 18 March 1988


Interestingly, Jupiter and Pluto are currently in mutual reception, meaning they are in the sign ruled by the other planet. With both having gone retrograde, this may have cancelled out or muted their influence somewhat. Having the energy translated into an internal event would work well with Brady’s idea of flashes of insight or realisation because these are traditionally inner experiences anyway.

Any urges to pull away from others can also be seen as characteristic of periods of inspiration too – when overcome with inspiration, most artists or scientists tend to become engrossed in their work, alienating themselves from daily life and social contact. This might then result in temporary tension or problems in relationships, particularly if the partner is in need of or tries to initiate emotional closeness or contact.

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