jupiter-neptune square

Telling Real from Fake: Jupiter-Neptune Redux

Get ready for the final pass of 2019’s most tricksy and challenging transit: the mutable square between Jupiter and Neptune. This is your final test to see whether you have finally mastered the art of discerning real from fake, truth from lies. Luckily, this time around, Mars and Pluto will be there to help us to ‘keep it real’ and stay focused on where we want to go, despite any temptations to fly off to Never Never Land…READ MORE

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Mercury the Wayshower

This weekend, Mercury, taking on the mantle of Hermes the psychopomp, will pave the way for the personal planets to make a series of triple-leaps from Saturn, the teacher and taskmaster, to Jupiter the enthuser and finally, to Pluto, the transmuter. After the nigredo of June-July, it’s time to shed some dead weight, recalibrate your

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