Mercury direct

Mercury Moves into Scorpio…

As Mercury heads for its second square to Saturn today, the need for restraint with regards to inflammatory language becomes ever more important, especially once the Cancer Moon joins the dynamic in the early hours of Saturday morning. This is when making poisonous words and paranoid thoughts can potentially become contagious.

With Pluto also lurking, invisible cloak on, in the background, the key message right now should be: “Handle with care, lest you open up Pandoras box…” Think the Greek Erinyes, or indeed, the verse from the Babylonian Hebrew prophet, Ezekiel that Samuel L Jackson so famously quoted in Pulp Fiction.

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Venus into Libra

As we near the Hunter’s Full Moon on October 31, Venus changes signs, ingressing into fair-minded and logical Libra on October 28. The irony being that the planet of relationship, peace and diplomacy will be anything BUT reasonable or balanced during November!

After a breezy October filled with fabulous earth trines, Venus is set to encounter more than a little resistance from the outer planets as you can see from the list of cardinal squares and oppositions listed in the graphic.

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Astro-Insights May 2016

A laid-back, feelgood and pleasure-loving mood is likely to characterise May, thanks to a ton of stellar transits involving the Sun, and benefics Venus and Pluto, all in earth signs. After all the disruptions and chaos of recent months, it should make for a welcome change when things start to flow smoothly again.

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October’s Astro Insights

With winter fast approaching, the moment to slow down and turn inward has finally begun. With a New Moon in Libra and Mercury’s current retrograde spell still in effect for the first part of the month, you may have your hands full with various social obligations and relationship decisions. Venus’ shift into Virgo also calls

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Astro-Insights for June 2015

Introduction After a decidedly difficult May filled with trying retrogrades and challenging aspects, we head into smoother, more exciting waters this month. Get ready for plenty of opportunities for expansion. romance and professional advancement, care of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in fire and air signs. If you felt as though you were plagued with

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November’s Astro-Insights

 Your Guide to the Astrological Weather for November 2014… November is as much about consolidation and fine-tuning as it is about taking steps to refine or reform key life structures, routines and relationships. With plenty of planets passing through the sign of Scorpio, a theme likely to be prevalent all month is that of power

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July 2014 Astro-Insights

Your Guide to the Astrological Weather for July 2014… On the 22nd of July, we celebrate the first birthday of Prince George of Cambridge. To mark this special occasion, I am offering 25% off all solar return reports for the whole of July! These continue to be the most popular items in the Astro-Report Shop,

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