Venus into Libra

Venus into Libra

As we near the Hunter’s Full Moon on October 31, Venus changes signs, ingressing into fair-minded and logical Libra on October 28. The irony being that the planet of relationship, peace and diplomacy will be anything BUT reasonable or balanced during November!

After a breezy October filled with fabulous earth trines, Venus is set to encounter more than a little resistance from the outer planets as you can see from the list of cardinal squares and oppositions listed in the graphic.

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November 2015 Astro-Insights

The end of October/beg of November is traditionally a time when many parts of the world celebrate Halloween, which is thought to have its roots in a number of ancient pagan festivals designed to commemorate dead ancestors and celebrate the death of important people. This period has come to be seen as the ideal window in which to practise divination because it is considered to be a liminal time when the “veil” between the human and spirit worlds is thought to become thin. With this in mind, I find it fascinating that on Halloween weekend, there is a Sun-Neptune trine and a lot of lunar aspects happening in water signs (you can read more about it on my Facebook page). Read more about what to expect from November.

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