
Bounceback or Bloodbath? Bitcoin & the Bloodmoon Lunar Eclipse

Bitcoin has taken a bit of a beating recently, thanks to a lot of FUD from the suits & money men about ‘bloodcoin’ – and some poorly timed announcements from Elon Musk. After a sharp drop in price of over $20K in the space of less than a week, It seems to be in the process of slowly recovering. But is it out of the woods yet?
In my latest forecast, I look at the outlook for Bitcoin for the rest of 2021 and how the May-June eclipses may hold the key to what happens next in crypto’s biggest success story.

Bounceback or Bloodbath? Bitcoin & the Bloodmoon Lunar Eclipse Read More »

2021 Biden Inauguration Day

Scorpio, Joseph Biden, together with Libran, Kumala Harris, are both set to be ‘crowned’ at noon Washington time today as America’s next leaders. The next chapter in America’s history begins. After last week’s shocking events on ‘the Hill’, can we expect a peaceful transition of power? Or will there be more mob-style disruption? I took

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