July’s lunar eclipse in Capricorn is all about closing the door on the past, letting go of unhealthy personal situations, painful memories and negative patterns of behaviour that may be harming your ability to grow or get your emotional needs met, especially in close relationships.

With Mercury retrograde and lots of signs in Cancer, there’s a strong emphasis on looking back and seeing the past in a fresh light, or of correcting past situations that continue to haunt the present.  

Given the signs involved, it’s very likely that the source of your problem may lie in toxic family dynamics, or experiences in early childhood, making any type of regression therapy a valuable tool for healing at this time.

As well as ending a six month cycle begun at the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn in January, this eclipse could also bring hidden memories or issues to light from 2001 and 2006 for clearing and energetic release. 

Pluto’s position near to the Moon could point to some form of buried trauma, abuse of power or hushed-up indiscretion. Rather than seek payback, though – often a strong temptation where Pluto is concerned –  its far better to aim for healing and re-balancing – leave the rest to karma.  

The upshot: It’s time to let of old patterns and wounds that have been limiting your growth and come fully into your personal power! 


The second lunar eclipse of 2019 takes place in Capricorn on 16 July 2019 at 22h38 GMT (23h38 SAST). 

A cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is the polar opposite of Cancer. Ruled by sensible and steady Saturn, Capricorn embodies the archetype of the patriarch – strong, silent, self-reliant, determined, pragmatic and ambitious. This zodiac sign is, in almost every sense, the antithesis of the changeable and emotional Moon-ruled Cancer, which is soft, sensitive, touchy-feely and nurturing; but which can also be fickle, needy and emotionally seflf-indulgent.

At this time, then, we are being asked to ‘put aside childish things’, grow up and make the tough decisions required to move past life situations, emotional patterns or relationships where we have got stuck and aren’t growing anymore.  While the familiar may be comforting, it isn’t necessarily in our best interests. Like a child leaving home for the first time, we are being asked to let go of the past and move into the future in an empowered way, rather than cling to the outdated simply because we are too afraid of the unknown.

Other key themes associated with Capricorn include:

  • Work, career ambitions and public achievement
  • Self-discipline, mastering a skill, becoming an expert/authority
  • Fatherhood, retirement, death and old age
  • Cultivated habits, conscious behaviour, learned reactions
  • Financial security, protection of self, self-sufficiency
  • Fulfilling family obligations, being responsible at work, civic duties
  • Pragmatism, getting real, doing the right thing, making tough calls
  • Economy, thrift, delaying gratificationl, long-term thinking

Ties to previous Eclipses

The last time we experienced any lunar eclipses in this sign was in July 2001, so you may want to cast your mind back to this period to see if you can find any parallels or connections with situations that arise now. If you need a quick reminder of the astrology of these events, then visit my eclipse chronology page.

It also forms part of the same Saros family as the solar eclipse in Aries that took place in March 2006.

Sabian Symbol

This eclipse occurs at 25th degree of Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is:


This Sabian symbol points to someone who is selling something that is precious and exotic, which requires a ‘good eye’ for, and appreciation of good quality and craftsmanship. Cultivating such knowledge and connections takes patience, charm and skill. Being regarded as a ‘connoisseur,’ an arbiter of good taste, not only demands a high level of expertise, but also good connections (whether buyers or sellers) built up over time and through effort.  And acknowledgement from those ‘in the know’ that you, indeed, ‘know your stuff’ and can withstand any outside scrutiny from potential customers and competitors.

Part of this may also involve having to sell yourself or your abilities to others (both peers and potential ‘customers’) in order to win their respect and convince them to buy from/sell to you because they trust your judgement and know you’ll deliver when it comes to taste and quality.

Walking your talk, knowing your stuff, and being an expert in your field are all qualities associated with Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, where this eclipse takes place. At this time then, it’s possible that you may find your knowledge/skills/integrity being tested in the workplace in order to ascertain your level of expertise. If this happens, don’t be resentful or scared – rise to the occasion and show others what you are made of.  Even though it may be unnerving, it could lead to a promotion, big contract, important new client or career breakthrough. The key is to remain calm and be determined – don’t shy away from challenges simply because they take you out of your comfort zone.

Being challenged can also lead us to reassess how we approach things, question our values and get clear about what we don’t want. If painful family or personal circumstances, perhaps brought up by Mercury retrograde, force you into a period of reflection, be brave enough to see what comes up as an opportunity for growth. Lynda Hill points out:

There may be the feeling of needing to reassess one’s real attitudes and ideals.

Indeed, getting real gives us a chance to course correct, renegotiate the terms of our ‘contracts’ with others, including our relationship with ourselves. So see any setbacks or challenges in your personal life as a chance to recognize and release what is no longer working.

With Neptune keying into Venus’ opposition to Saturn across the nodal axis, this eclipse may also be the perfect opportunity to let go of unhealthy patterns of behaviour in love relationships or release ourselves from commitments or promises that, in hindsight, we should never have agreed to in the first place.

For those looking for some more inspiration, the Sabian Oracle provides the following keywords:

Keywords: Refinement of cultural understanding and values. Appreciating excellence of quality. Always looking for a bargain. Buying things at bargain prices and selling them at higher prices. Bartering and trading. Charging a fair price. The sales pitch. Second hand goods. Marketing. Promotions. Sales. Discounts. Closing the sale. Being able to think on your feet.

The Caution: Bargaining only to personal advantage. Giving undue significance to unworthy goods. The archetypal “car salesman” – al talk and no action. Conversing/socialising with others merely to gain advantage. Not appreciating the value of one’s goods.

Astrological chart

Key Aspects

Moon conjunct Pluto

As with January’s eclipses, Pluto once more keys into the Cancer-Capricorn polarity. The eclipsed Moon will conjunct Pluto. Together with Saturn, it will be positioned on either side of the south node. All three astrological points are about cutting out, cutting back and releasing the past, including karmic patterns and ties. See this as a sign that it’s time to let go of any poisonous, toxic or unhealthy emotions and limiting mindsets, especially relationship or family dynamics that are preventing you from growing or living your best life.

Pluto also concerns power and control. Placed in Capricorn and working in tandem with the Moon, it may well be time to ‘own’ your shadow side, stand in your truth and come fully in your power. The fact that the Sun will be on the opposite side of the zodiac from Pluto, close to the north node, points to the possibility of emotional undercurrents within close personal relationships that need clearing, confronting and healing.

In energetic terms, this could also relate to inherited memories, trauma or karma that has come down to us via the ‘family line’ – the sins of the father. Both Cancer and Capricorn concern our parents and belonging to a clan, name or genetic grouping, so is worth bearing in mind if you continually find yourself getting caught up in drama or painful situations that you feel are not of your own making. Considering some form of regression therapy may be useful in this instance.

Venus opposite Saturn sextile Neptune

The eclipse will also be in orb of Venus, which will be located very close to the north node.  Venus will also be making some important aspects to both Saturn and Neptune in the days preceeding and following the eclipse. This widens the scope of relationship dynamics to include romantic/social ties and creative partnerships.

Saturn will be calling on us all to make practise some tough love and discernment –  to test people’s commitment. If they display anything less than 100%, either to you or a particular project/cause, then it may be time to let them go.

Boundaries and limitations are likely to be a major theme at this time. Don’t be afraid to say no, and where necessary, to walk away if you feel someone isn’t respecting your space, time or energy. Saturn is about cutting out what doesn’t work, reducing unnecessary burdens and being realistic about what people are capable of offerring. The more honest and pragmatic you are at this time, the better your decision-making will be when it comes to affairs of the heart.

The good news is that, once we decide to make a break or reduce our energetic involvement, things should start to magically work in our favour. That’s because Venus and Neptune will be working together to generate greater flow and harmony in our lives, bringing us into contact with people who are more on our level. But to help this process, sometimes we have to clear out the junk first.

That’s why it is really important not to allow fear of the unknown to hold you back  now. Having the courage to ‘do the right thing’ for the right reasons has the potential to pay off further down the line in ways you couldn’t imagine! So have a little faith and go with your intuition.  And when it comes to creativity (Venus is also about artistic ability), don’t be afraid to follow your passion.

Fixed Stars

At the time of the eclipse, the Sun will be conjunct the fixed star POLLUX, one of the twin stars of Gemini, pointing to an emphasis on male strength, virility, anger and its use or abuse.

According to Jamie Partridge, Pollux was considered to be the ‘bad boy’ of the twins  – audacious but also crafty. Associated with planet Mars, it is said to give ‘a cruel, rash nature with an aptitude for getting into quarrels’. Vivian Robson associates it with poisons  – something to watch out for, given Pluto’s proximity to the Moon, which could lead to deep-seated feelings of rage, vindictiveness and/or a need to get even, possibly in retaliation for some form of rape or abuse.

In Roman mythology, Pollux was associated with Hercules/Haracles, who was renowned for his physical strength, courage and prowess in battle, as well as being a skilled horseman and adventurer. However, he also killed his first wife and children in a fit of rage and was known for his rather voracious sexual appetite and wandering eye – according to legend, he had four wives and numerous lovers, both male and female. Something to bear in mind during this eclipse, as it could well bring to light male infidelity or, as Astrology King predicts, re-ignite the #Metoo debate, perhaps as a result of a celebrity sex scandal involving another Harvey weinstein character.

Past Precedent

This group of eclipses first began on 17 May in the year 1501 CE/AD and will end in around May 2745. More recent solar eclipses in this series occurred in 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, and July 2001.

Geographical position

This particular lunar eclipse occurs in the middle lattitudes and so will be visible from Australia, Africa, South America, most of Europe, and Asia. The only continent it will miss is North America.

An interactive map of the eclipse path can be found at Time and Date.com.

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