Tipping Point: Nov 2021 Lunar Eclipse

November’s Beaver Full Moon is the very last lunar eclipse of 2021. In many ways, this soli-lunar event serves as a cosmic bridge, connecting us to both past (the last six months) and future (2021 and beyond), helping us to finally get clarity on situations or conundrums that may have been eluding us since June, but also laying the groundwork for the new six month cycle that gets underway at the December solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

In many ways, this lunar eclipse acts like a turbo-charged full moon, making it an ideal time to:

  • Clear out psychic and karmic clutter: Resolve and make peace with situations, patterns or issues around conflict, protest, self-assertion and willpower raised at the June 2021 Solar Eclipse in Gemini
  • Direct our gaze forwards – towards 2021’s final eclipse – a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, which kickstarts a brand new six month cycle that’ll take us into the first half of 2022. So ideally, we want to be clear about our new year’s resolutions by mid-December, so that we are ready to plant seeds and set intentions on December 14 at the Sagittarius New Moon.

Themes include:

For a deeper dive into major themes and what to expect on a personal level, check out my full videocast on YouTube.

When it comes to Bitcoin, this eclipse marks an interesting three month period in which both Jupiter and Venus stand to play a large role. In my latest financial astrology videocast, I consider the macro outlook for Bitcoin between now and the end of 2021. Check it out on YouTube now.

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