Much like the September 2024 Pisces lunar eclipse, October’s solar eclipse in Libra is also an inversion of the norm. In complete contrast to the ‘new cycle’ vibes of orthodox solar eclipse astrology (which are akin to turbo charged New Moons), this one is all about endings.
Taking place in Brady’s 8 South saros series, it has a strong Saturnian flavour and has as its theme partings, limitations and necessary cutbacks, as well as a need for restraint. Brady writes that it is all about:

Separation and loss. To be parted. To finish something, and to feel sad at its completion.
In this sense, it is a natural continuation of some of the themes that we saw at the lunar eclipse.
The notion of catharsis and release is further emphasised by the position of the luminaries close to the south node or dragon’s tail, which is traditionally all about what is departing – something many in the northern hemisphere will instinctively relate to as the Sun decreases in declination and we move decisively into autumn. In many ways, this eclipse has a strong resonance with the geomantic figure of Cauda Draconis, which traditionally signifies exits, endings, transitions and the end of karmic contracts or cycles.
One way to look at this is as a stage or phase in a wider process in which we have to mourn the passing of the old before we can welcome in the new, like the turning of an age. There is no going back and even if better things lie ahead, we may still feel a tinge of sadness for what has been, or once was.
As a result, this eclipse is likely to add a bittersweet quality to whatever unfolds now, creating events tinged with an air of pathos. Much as Joe Biden must have felt when he stepped down from the US presidential race before handing the torch over to his VP, Kamala Harris, who stands to make history if she wins this November. Interestingly, the moment he chose to bow out also carried the hallmarks of both the moon and Saturn. It is also worth pointing out that this solar eclipse cycle will cover the US elections in November, when the mantle will officially pass from Biden as the incumbent president, to whichever candidate is elected. So, endings and beginnings again. Perhaps the fact that Kamala Harris is a sun sign Libra – the same sign as this eclipse – is potentially an omen of sorts. Will she bring an end to the long reign of patriarchy within the ranks of American political leadership? I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the American people decide…

It’s also a typically Libran astrological event, with both luminaries emphasising the need to seek balance, moderation and restraint in situations, rather than lurching to extremes – something further underscored by Saturn, which will positively aspect Venus at this eclipse. As a ‘nocturnal’ planet that forms part of the lunar sect, Venus will once again put yin/receptive energy and more archetypally feminine values and activities front and centre, further amplifying some of the themes and trends we saw activated at the lunar eclipse.
By contrast, her astrological counterpart Mars will be applying by square to the luminaries, which may be interpreted as a warning not to rush things or do anything rash. According to Bernadette Brady, there is a need to exercise caution and restraint with this particular eclipse family, particularly when it comes to physical exertion and exercise – both Mars-ruled activities. In fact, there’s a real possibility of overdoing it or doing yourself an injury if you push yourself too hard now. In this instance, slow and steady wins the race. Set limits and gradually build up to a goal, rather than crash or burn out the first time around. Remember: you’ve got six months to work on things, so there’s no need to rush. Slow and steady wins the race.

In a way, you could see this Venus-ruled eclipse as a much-needed counter-balance to the last six months, which was strongly coloured by that Mars-ruled April Aries eclipse. As it turned out, that eclipse cycle was very much about the Mars-ruled angry young man, particularly those ‘lost boys’ radicalised by incel culture and far right movements, who seem to have gone on the rampage between March and September. rioting and hellraising, committing senseless murders, terrorising members of the public through acts of sabotage at sporting and cultural events, and even attempting to assassinate US politicians.
Venus in Libra is about peace, justice and diplomacy, while Saturn encourages maturity, responsibility and self-control – he epitomises the older, wiser paternal figure who acts as the voice of reason. Both planetary influences have the potential to return the public mood and conversation to a healthier, less angry, violent place – unlike the online rabble-rousing we saw from some irresponsible political hotheads and toxic ‘manfluencers’ these past few months. Libra is represented by the scales of justice, so it’s also entirely possible that between now and March 2025, we could see some laws and guardrails being introduced that help to lower the temperature of the public discourse online and make those inciting violence and spouting hatred more accountable for their words and actions.
As we can see from the Sabian symbol for this eclipse, this time round, the focus is on Saturn, the wise old man, elder, sage and teacher, who was once young and impetuous too and is now looking on at another generation of younger men who may potentially be about to make the same mistakes that he did when he was their age.
With Saturn making a trine to Mars, there’s also plenty of opportunities for mutual cooperation between men of different generations, In a way, you could see this aspect as a conversation between puer and senex, Mars and Saturn, on what it means to be a man in this day and age. It’s also a metaphor for how these two masculine forces can help to balance each other out so as to prevent inertia, inflexibility and cynicism on one hand, and the consequences of too much testosterone, on the other. As always, it is important to be discerning about what feels positive and constructive, and what feels toxic. Think, for instance, about the contrast between the partnership between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, on one hand, versus that of Jung and his protegé, Erich Neumann. The general consensus amongst the analytical psychology community is that the one was healthy and constructive; but the other, not so much.

Mercury will be orbiting quite close to the luminaries on October the 2nd, and applying by square to Mars. This suggests a need to slow down and think before speaking, and to take care when travelling or driving so as to avoid accidents. You may also want to double-check facts and figures, and be extra careful what you sign now. Mercury also rules commerce and business negotiations. As the saying goes: Buy in haste, repent at leisure. Instead of making hasty purchasing decisions, do your research/due diligence, and don’t be afraid to consult an expert where appropriate.
Below the surface, the positive vibe shift I mentioned last month will continue. Signified by the still-active mini grand trine between Pluto and Uranus, with Neptune at its apex and close to the north node (and so opposite the luminaries and south node), this aspect pattern is slowly and subtly bringing into being what is to replace the current cycle that’s being phased out by the October eclipse, so is worth paying attention to. This may require some effort though. Tuning in via your finer senses and intuitive abilities will help to offset the more immediate drama of events at the eclipse, which may temporarily drown it out. Much like an underlying melody or softer refrain that must play second fiddle to the heavier, more sombre notes of a sad song in the short term, this tune should grow louder and clearer as we move into the lighter energies of spring 2025, when we have our next set of eclipses.
nurturing communal networks
The notion of Neptunian-led good vibes chimes quite neatly with the ‘stargate’ active at this eclipse – Hexagram 48. Known as ‘The Well’ in the I Ching, it traditionally concerns important communal resources and shared values.
The Well hexagram ䷯ symbolizes the water well, representing the heart and life source of a village or community in the I-Ching. The emphasis is on the unchanging function and significance of the well, even when the village or community around it transforms….In essence, the Well hexagram underscores the importance of community and interpersonal relationships. It encourages responsibility, caring for others, and upholding purity. Despite changes, it reiterates that core values and principles should remain steadfast.
Hexagram 48 ䷯ : A Simple Look at I-Ching — Well, the Source in the Community
In this sense, this eclipse is all about remembering what unites, rather than divides us, and appreciating how everything on earth is interrelated. The call to action is therefore to do what we can to repair and maintain these threads of communion and community so that they continue to sustain, nourish and support life (and society), rather than become yet another source of stress or negative influence.
In Human Design, Gate 48 is associated with deep knowledge and forms part of the Channel of Talent. Located in the spleen centre, it concerns tapping into the well of inner resources in order to adapt (and thrive) in changing times, as well as our instinctive and innate ability to tune into universal sources of wisdom such as the akashic records or Jung’s collective unconscious, for example, in order to find moral sustenance and refresh our ability to innovate, heal and problem-solve on both a collective and individual level.
To get a sense of which life area you might find yourself dealing with some of the themes mentioned in this solar eclipse astrology forecast, consult the cheatsheet below to find your rising sign or sun. This time around, focus solely on the one house or life area because both luminaries will be concentrated there.