Wondering whether you were made for each other? Can astrology tell you if your relationship has the potential to go the distance?
Looking for a way to understand the dynamics between you and a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or potential lover? Astrology can offer some surprising insights into how two people may gel from a romantic perspective. This is called relationship synastry, and involves the comparison of both people’s natal horoscopes, drawing certain correlations and comparing differences from these.
This in-depth report looks at your particular relationship from the perspective of:
* Heart Connections & Love Languages: How you relate emotionally
* Identity & Personal Compatibility – How the relationship enhances or challenges your personal growth
* Intellectual Rapport & Communication – Pros & Cons
* Romantic Style – Do you share the same values & want the same things in life?
* Sparks of Attraction & Repulsion: Sexual Compatibility & Areas of Conflict
* Shared Beliefs and Cultural Background
* Need for Structure & Commitment
* Need for Space and Independence
* Transformative Potential of the Relationship
* Childhood Wounds and the Potential for Healing within the Relationship
* Fated or Karmic Aspects to the Relationship
Length: 15-30 pages
I will need the Names, FULL Date, Time and Place of Birth (and preferably genders) of each party in order to construct the chart. However, I will never pass this information on to any third parties.
For details, see my privacy policy.
Each profile is unique and created by a human – not a bot i.e. it is not automatically generated or available immediately. As such, you may need to wait for me to compile your report, which I will then email to you, usually within 48 hours of receipt of your order.
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