

Looking for a way to understand the dynamics between you and a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or potential lover?

Astrology can offer some surprising insights into how two people may gel from a romantic perspective. This is called relationship synastry, and involves the comparison of both people’s natal horoscopes, drawing certain correlations and comparing differences from these.

NOTE: Each profile is individually compiled and then sent in PDF format to you via email, roughly within 48 hours of your order. So don’t expect any immediate downloads.

Original price was: £22.00.Current price is: £12.00.

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Wondering whether you were made for each other? Can astrology tell you if your relationship has the potential to go the distance?

Looking for a way to understand the dynamics between you and a boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or potential lover? Astrology can offer some surprising insights into how two people may gel from a romantic perspective. This is called relationship synastry, and involves the comparison of both people’s natal horoscopes, drawing certain correlations and comparing differences from these.

This in-depth report looks at your particular relationship from the perspective of:

*    Heart Connections & Love Languages: How you relate emotionally

*    Identity & Personal Compatibility – How the relationship enhances or challenges your personal growth

*    Intellectual Rapport & Communication – Pros & Cons

*    Romantic Style – Do you share the same values & want the same things in life?

*    Sparks of Attraction & Repulsion: Sexual Compatibility & Areas of Conflict

*    Shared Beliefs and Cultural Background

*    Need for Structure & Commitment

*    Need for Space and Independence

*    Transformative Potential of the Relationship

*    Childhood Wounds and the Potential for Healing within the Relationship

*    Fated or Karmic Aspects to the Relationship

Length: 15-30 pages


I will need the Names, FULL Date, Time and Place of Birth (and preferably genders) of each party in order to construct the chart. However, I will never pass this information on to any third parties.

For details, see my privacy policy.

Each profile is unique and created by a human – not a bot i.e. it is not automatically generated or available immediately. As such, you may need to wait for me to compile your report, which I will then email to you, usually within 48 hours of receipt of your order.


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Original price was: £22.00.Current price is: £12.00.
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