The September 2024 lunar eclipse in Pisces is a bit like Dr Seuss’ ‘push me-pull you’ character: something of a paradox. On the one hand, lunar eclipses, like full moons, are generally all about endings and culmination points. In astrological terms, they tend to close out the previous six month solar eclipse cycle, albeit over the course of three months or so.
However, in this case, the Sabian symbol for the 26th degree of Pisces – the place in the zodiac where this particular soli-lunar event will take place – is all about the arrival of a new era, and therefore more focused on new cycles and fresh starts (see the graphic below for more details). So, a bit of an oxymoron in eclipse astrology terms, as the grammarians might say…
However, if we think of an uroboros – the eclipse dragon that eats its own tail – then this apparent paradox becomes a lot less problematic. To paraphrase the lyrics of an old 90’s song : ‘every new beginning is really some other beginning’s end’. Much more of a true reflection of the cycle of life.
In astrological terms, this probably means having to let go of certain people, places or things in order to make room for something new and different to take their place. Although this may initially feel like a wrench, in the long run, it’ll turn out to be an ‘upgrade’ of sorts. In other words, what you dream of probably lies on the other side of fear. However, given the complexity of the energies at play during this period, the best way to deal with this type of dynamic is to mimic the element of water and go with the flow.
Given how many traditionally nocturnal/’passive’ planets and signs that are involved, this celestial event is likely to revolve around more traditionally ‘yin’ themes such as spirituality, dreams, receptivity, intuition, feelings and artistic/creative expression. Continuing the themes from the Libra Eclipse and that rather intriguing Saros series focused on the sacred feminine, this particular eclipse also has the potential to augur in a new cycle or chapter for women’s rights, the wellbeing of mother nature and planet earth – all issues and areas that have come under threat in recent years.
in the emotion ocean
Whatever your situation, though, this particular eclipse is likely to be an emotional one. Not only do full moons tend to heighten the feeling aspect, but the watery Pisces moon will also be conjunct Neptune (ruler of this sensitive sign), so don’t be surprised if you find yourself in the emotion ocean, and perhaps more easily moved or psychologically affected by events than might be customary.
Both the mutable sign of Pisces and the planet Neptune are also quite malleable and permeable, so tend to take on the colour and tone of their surroundings. Neptune also tends to dissolve boundaries and lower defences. As a result, people often become a lot more open to absorbing other people’s moods and the general ‘ambience’ of their environment, which can be good or bad, depending on what people or places you choose to surround yourself with. On the one hand, it often makes people more receptive to in-flows of creative inspiration, subtle nuances, and mystical experiences. However, with the Sun in health-conscious and discerning Virgo, its worth taking a bit of extra care with things like immune boosting and spiritual hygiene practices, as Neptune can also lower immune defences, and being a bit choosier than usual about who/what you surround yourself with.

VIBE shiftS
In terms of the wider astrological picture, this eclipse also keys into a minor grand trine that Neptune is currently making to the two planets known for being change-makers, namely Uranus and Pluto, forming a larger aspect pattern known as a kite. This powerful transit is heralding in a fairly major ‘vibe shift’ within the collective psyche – something I feel we got hints of at the spring 2024 lunar eclipse. So expect this eclipse to be all about change, but change of the hopeful kind. This also means that we need to zoom out, beyond the confines of internal landscapes and see this particular eclipse within the context of broader social trends, as we collectively move from one paradigm to another. Given what we are seeing in America, with the potential for the country to elect their first female president in Kamala Harris, this seems fitting.
crisis before breakthrough
However, as with all eclipses, all is not rainbows and sparkles. The human design ‘stargate’ where the Moon will be located during this soli-lunar event (gate 36) suggests that any new cycles or situations we may be headed into could be precipitated by a crisis of some kind, more than likely of the emotional or psychological kind.
Located in the solar plexus (emotional centre) of the HD bodygraph, Hexagram 36 is known in the I Ching as ‘The Darkening of the Light’ which is traditionally about having to ‘dim to fit in’. Whilst an appropriate image for an eclipse, it does point to the possibility of enduring or overcoming some form of subtle control or psychological repression before change can truly happen.
Whether self-inflicted or imposed from the outside, there is a call here to find safe ways to enable your emotions to flow rather than dam them up. This doesn’t necessarily mean having to share them with everybody immediately. With Venus approaching a square to Pluto, there is a caution to be circumspect about what you reveal to others until you know they can be trusted, or that how you feel right now is not just a passing impulse. Given this, you may find it more constructive to journal, talk to a therapist or trusted confidante, or work through any excessive/overwhelming feelings via cathartic means such as exercise or listening to music until you feel calmer and more internally congruent. Self-soothing is definitely a skill worth cultivating in these types of situations.
The Book of Lines, by Chetyn Parkyn
There’s always a potential to feel a sense of crisis before you make a move to experience something for the first time.
And with Jupiter squaring Neptune and the Sun, it’s probably best to avoid being over-confident or overly optimistic until you’re sure of the facts before making definitive announcements or decisions. When in doubt, wait for a clear signal before acting. Pisces/Neptune energy can be confusing because it often becomes hard to know where you start and someone else ends. It also may not be that easy to immediately discern people’s real intentions. Patience plays an important role in this particular hexagram and one would be wise to heed that old saying about ‘all good things come to those who wait,’ especially if you’re one of those ‘fools rush in’ types who is always restless for new experiences. A key theme for the next three months is likely to be that of surrendering what you can’t control and going with the flow – moving with the current rather than struggling against it.
That being said, the Sun will be in Gate 6, which is associated with conflict and tension, so it is possible that you might find yourself at odds with certain authority figures or competitive/unscrupulous individuals intent on undermining you, or involved in situations where you feel a need to protect/defend yourself. Hexagram 36 cautions that if this is the case, you’re better off either leaving or strategically shielding yourself via techniques like ‘grey rocking’. The way to deal with these types of oppressive situations is to wait them out until circumstances improve, or some kind of breakthrough occurs that frees you from restrictions. The latter is a distinct possibility, given the minor grand trine active during this eclipse.
However, it could equally be that this crisis or shift is precipitated by an internal gear shift – that tipping point when people find themselves feeling compelled to move out of their psychological or emotional comfort zones because staying stuck becomes more uncomfortable than trying something new. In this respect, Hexagram 36 could represent that scary moment just before you surrender your fears and misgivings and take a leap into an unknown future.

working with the emotional wave
In terms of timing, you’re better off allowing the emotional wave to complete a full ‘circuit’ before taking action or making any major decisions. This could mean that a full lunar month needs to pass before you get the inner clarity you need in order to know how best to move forward. But in the end, move forward you must.
Depending on what is happening in your life, this emotional wave could be blissful – a time of enhanced creative inspiration or mystical insights. Equally, though, it could bring up feelings of loss. I know many in the UK astrological community, including myself, will be mourning the passing of a much-respected teacher and thought-leader, Geoffrey Cornelius, whose funeral is due to take place the day after this eclipse. His former colleague, Dr Angela Voss, has written a wonderful obituary and tribute to his life and work, which those of you who knew him might appreciate.
Alternatively, you could find yourself experiencing a bit of both: oscillating between emotional peaks and troughs before finally reaching equilibrium. Much will depend on where these placements fall in your natal chart, but also what the mood or current of your psyche is at the time of this eclipse. To get a better sense of how this three-month astrological influence is likely to work for you, check out the cheatsheet below.