Mercury square Mars

May 2018 Skylights

May is set to be a month of upheaval and readjustment. Think one step forward, two steps back, with most flowing aspects twinned with tricky ones. We also have the ingress of Uranus, planet of technology and changes, into earthy and pragmatic Taurus to look forward to. This planet only shifts zodiac places once every 7 years or so, making this a rather momentous cosmic event. Get ready to be both shaken and stirred!…READ MORE

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Astro-Insights July 2016

    July is likely to be a bit of mixed bag astrologically, with plenty of positive cosmic activity from the benefics, Venus and Jupiter, which together with a numbe rof positive Neptune contacts, should keep a few lovers smiling and inspire artists or light workers. However, those who are more intellectually oriented or who

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