Your Monthly Guide to the Astrological Weather for February 2013…

Review of Last Month
This post originally contained a long astrological analysis of Obama’s second inauguration and the Algerian Hostage crisis. However, given how long this section has become, I have added it to a separate blog dedicated specifically to mundane astrology and the analysis of current affairs. That way, it doesn’t detract too much from the rest of the column, and allows me to really get my teeth into a particular event or topic.
So to read my mundane Astro-Analysis of January 2013, please visit the Astro-Insights blog.
Those who access the web via tablet or smart phone will be pleased to know that the site is optimised for mobile internet browsing – you’ll also find an RSS feed of my daily astro-insights and archive listings at the bottom of this page.
Over the course of a year, the solstices and equinoxes of the Sun mark out the changing seasons, which affect not only the beginning of different natural cycles, but our moods and choice of activities; whilst on a smaller scale, the Moon’s phases make up the time-span of a month. In fact, the etymology of the word month, comes from the Indo-European word, ‘me(n)ses’, meaning “moon.” 1
During this period, the Moon also moves through the zodiac, with every progressive full or new moon cycle occurring in the sign more or less following that of the previous month.
Lunar Phases
NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS – 10 February 2013
This month, we can look forward to the beginning of fresh annual cycle relating to ideological movements, personal independence and autonomy within relationships, connections made through social networking and group affiliations or collaborations centered around social enterprise or technology, care of the New Moon in Aquarius at 07h20 GMT on the 10th of February.
FULL MOON IN VIRGO – 25 February 2013
On the 25th of February at 20h26 GMT, a Full Moon in practical, helpful and modest Virgo brings a year-long cycle related to diet, health, editing projects or hand-made items to a conclusion. It is also an excellent time to put the finishing touches to activities that require a keen eye, sharp mind and attention to detail.
Solar Phases
SUN INTO PISCES – 18 February 2013
The Sun is due to enter sensitive and perceptive Pisces at 12h02 GMT on the 18th of February. Not long afterwards, the Sun conjuncts the planetary ruler of Pisces, nebulous and subtle Neptune, on the 21st. This blending of assertive yet co-operative energy promises to add refinement, mystery, glamour and allure to creative activities and personal projects. Taking the lead in photography, film-related, spirituality and philanthropic activities is well-favoured between now and next month.
Planetary Events & Energy Shifts throughout February 2013
During February, we can expect an increase in emphasis on all things Neptunian, care of the ingress of several planets, including the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus, into Pisces. This is likely to re-introduce topics related to the ocean and other large bodies of water, spirituality, healthcare, especially drugs and palliative care, as well as creative art forms like photography and film. Other themes likely to make an appearance are romanticism, escapism, addiction, illusion and deception. Given that the annual Film Oscar Awards ceremony is scheduled for 24 February, it seems likely that this year will be an especially memorable, glamorous affair.
Key dates to diarise:
- 2 February – Mars ingress into Pisces
- 4 February – Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- 5 February – Mercury ingress into Pisces
- 6 February – Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- 8 February – Mercury conjunct Mars in Pisces
- 9 February – Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter
- 10 February – Mars in Pisces square Jupiter
- 12 February – Mercury in Pisces trine Saturn sextile Pluto
- 16 February – Mars in Pisces trine Saturn sextile Pluto
- 18 February – Sun ingress into Pisces
- 21 February – Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- 26 February – Venus ingress into Pisce & second round of Mercury conjunct Mars in Pisces
- 28 February – Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Days to watch out for are the 12th and 16th, which are likely to carry echoes from events that took place around January the 6th and 17th. Given how much this astrological signature figured into the Algerian hostage crisis, it seems possible that we may experience related developments at around this time.
Although February the 14th doesn’t look especially eventful, you can look forward to a very romantic spell between the 26th and 28th, when an exalted Venus unites with Neptune to sprinkle a little tenderness, poetry and fairy dust on love matters.
Mercury will retrograde for the first time this year, between the 23rd of February and the 18th of March, which is likely to play havoc with communication and travel, leading to a lot of confusion, as well as possible identify fraud and deception, so take extra precautions, especially with online purchases.
Saturn, the planet of limitation and manifestation, is also due to undergo its annual retrograde cycle, starting on the 12th of February. Given that Saturn is generally considered to have a negative or inhibiting effect on situations, many interpret its retrograde period as a time when obstacles and restrictions temporarily lift, and you can enjoy a bit of breathing space away from heavy personal burdens or social obligations. The ‘steady planet’ as the Babylonians referred to Saturn, is currently touring the sign of Scorpio which governs power structures, underground tunnels and pipes, plumbing, recycling and other regenerative activities, such as antique restorations, as well as energetic healing of all kinds. You may wish to revisit any related issues that have been put on hold during this retrograde spell, which will last until the 8th of July 2013.
As you can see, then Piscean energy is going to pre-dominate throughout the month. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on what signs and planets are strong in your own natal charts – it’s more than likely going to be a good personal month if you’re a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio but potentially a little challenging if you’re a Gemini or Sagittarian. Relationships and one-to-one encounters will feature strongly for Virgo’s during February – just as well it’s Valentine’s month! The other cardinal and fixed signs are less likely to be affected by all this activity, however. If you want to work out what its ingress into Pisces might mean for you, then you should look at its transit through your birth chart and consider what houses and natal planets it contacts.
For more details of what to expect, day to day, during the course of the month, why not join me on Facebook? Enjoy free daily Astro-Insights, news about astro-report special offers and much, much more…
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