July 2013 Astro-Insights

Your Monthly Guide to the Astrological Weather for July 2013…

July Astro-Insights Blog

Given all the fever around the impending royal birth, I have decided to devote this month’s Astro-Insights blog to predicting the possible arrival date of the third in line to the English throne.

To read more, visit: http://wp.me/p3d6Dk-8B.

If you’d like to read my previous Astro-Insights Blogs, featuring Astrological Reviews of the key world events that made the headlines in previous months, or occasional articles on interesting current affairs-related topics that call for in-depth astrological analysis, please visithttp://astroinsightsblog.wordpress.com.


Over the course of a year, the solstices and equinoxes of the Sun mark out the changing seasons, which affect not only the beginning of different natural cycles, but our moods and choice of activities; whilst on a smaller scale, the Moon’s phases make up the time-span of a month. In fact, the etymology of the word month, comes from the Indo-European word, ‘me(n)ses’, meaning “moon.” 1

During this period, the Moon also moves through the zodiac, with every progressive full or new moon cycle occurring in the sign more or less following that of the previous month.

Lunar Phases

NEW MOON IN CANCER – 8 July 2013

On the 8th of July at 08h14 BST, we are due to experience a New Moon in Cancer. This will kick start a fresh month-long lunar cycle concerning child birth (the royal birth anyone?), motherhood, food, the home, and of course, the sea. Thanks to a stellium of planets in Cancer straddling the Sun-moon conjunction, including an exalted Jupiter, this is a highly auspicious time to purchase a new house, decorate or extend the family home, bring a child into the world or investigate your ancestral roots.


On the 22nd at 19h16 BST, a Full Moon in Aquarius will bring a month-long cycle concerning social ideals, democratic, gay rights or humanistic movements or technology projects to a conclusion. This is an excellent time to celebrate with friends or terminate a group association now, especially if it gets in the way of you being able to live your life authentically.

Solar Phases

SUN INTO LEO – 22 July 2013

This month, the Sun ingresses into Leo, the royal sign, at 16h56 BST on the 22nd of July – very close to the expected birth date of the first child of Prince William and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. Although this could harbinger the arrival of a royal heir for the Cambridge’s, for us mere mortals, it is likely to be a time in which we attempt to improve our self-confidence, or alternatively, indulge in a little luxury or enjoy some time off having fun in the sun.

Planetary Events & Energy Shifts throughout July 2013

Royal Arrival Date

This month, many fans of the British royal family will be anxiously anticipating the birth of Kate Middleton and Prince William’s first child. Speculation about the exact birth date and time of the third in line to the throne has naturally, reached fever pitch, and has also been consuming the attention of many astrologers, including yours truly. I have therefore decided to devote July’s Astro-Insights blog to this topic. For the low down on which dates look the juiciest for a royal birth from an astrological point of view, visit: http://wp.me/p3d6Dk-8B

However, that’s not the only event set to grab the astrological headlines this month. In fact, we have a number of important planetary shifts to look forward to which may well have a bearing on our own lives, as well as those cycles governing world events.

Major Grand Trine in Water Signs

The first and most important of these is a Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune major grand trine. Following in the footsteps of the Sun and Venus, both of which have taken their turn to make similar flowing contacts to Saturn and Neptune during May and June, this particular grand trine represents a sort of pinnacle in matters creative, emotional and spiritual in which major philosophical, energetic and spiritual shifts in society are possible.

To give you an idea of how rare this event is, Jupiter and Saturn only make a conjunction to each other every 20 years whilst Saturn and Neptune only meet once every 30 years, so to have all three major planets come together like this is highly unusual. This combination of planets last occurred around 1967, albeit in a different combination of signs and its exact replica has not occurred in the last two millennia. That should give you an idea of just how special this date really is, so mark it in your diary and be sure to take advantage of this truly uplifting energy to make some positive changes in your life.

For further details on what to expect from this headline event, be sure to catch my daily astro-insights on Facebook in days leading up to this event, which is due to take place between the 17th and 19th of July.

Planetary Ingresses

I thought I should mention the ingress of Jupiter into Cancer late last month. This is rather significant for a number of reasons. Firstly, it marks the passage of Jupiter into the sign of its exaltation, which means that those of us tired of austerity and rather lacklustre prospects can look forward to a year-long period of growth, prosperity and fertility. This is likely to be especially true if you have a strong Jupiter in your chart, or if you have Cancer or one of the other cardinal signs prominently placed.

Jupiter is the planet of learning, philosophy, the law, culture, religion expansion and travel par excellence, so hopefully during this timeframe, we should see a lot more religious tolerance and a growing sense of respect for the sanctity of motherhood and family – something that has taken quite a beating in Western culture over the last few decades. In its pure form, this placing is excellent for adding an extension to your home, going travelling with or to see, family and for practising family law. The rules relating to what constitutes marriage and/or family in a religious context may also undergo positive changes during this period. There may also be breakthroughs in scientific research related to fertility, child development and childbirth now.

Following Jupiter’s footsteps, Mars is also due to ingress into Cancer this month (13th) although being the lesser malefic, this could lead to family arguments and domestic discord in the short term. On the 26th, however, it also takes a turn to trine Saturn and Neptune, which should

Venus is also changing signs this month, entering Virgo on the 22nd of July. Like Mars in Cancer, Venus is not terribly happy in this sign traditionally – virginal Virgo is the sign of Venus’ detriment, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly get a little prudish about sex or nudity, or feel the need to shower more frequently. This combination is best expressed in terms of vegetation – Virgo is the grain goddess after all, so gardening, flower arranging, spa visits and pantry spring cleaning are all very positive outlets for this type of energy.

Retrogrades and Stationings

Saturn and Mercury will also return to direct motion this month; the former, stationing around the 21st; and the latter, at the New Moon on the 8th. This should return all forms of communication and intellectual pursuits to more normal functioning, which is always good news. And in a reversal of this pattern, Uranus will retrograde, starting on the 17th until mid-December, which should take the pressure off those world leaders feeling under attack from angry social reformers and disaffected youth.

For more details of what to expect, day to day, during July, why not join me on Facebook? Enjoy free daily Astro-Insights, news about astro-report special offers and much, much more…

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