Your Guide to the Astrological Weather for September 2014…
Get ready for a month of reviews, reforms and changes as work, family life or power structures begin to shift, and certain rules and laws finally get reappraised. Thanks to plenty of contact with Pluto, September is a great month to re-organise your company, institute major lifestyle changes; reinvent yourself, release old baggage or become more efficient and effective. Read on to discover the best times to take action.
Also, at the autumn equinox, I will be launching a brand new type of relationship astro-report called ‘Kindred Spirits.’ This identifies certain trends in your natal horoscope that may help you to identify your key emotional needs and ‘decode’ certain relationship patterns in your life that may keep repeating themselves, thereby helping you to better understand the way you relate to others, and they to you. If you order one between now and Halloween, you’ll get a whopping 33% off the normal price, so get in quick! Look out for details on Facebook & Twitter!
Over the course of a year, the solstices and equinoxes of the Sun mark out the changing seasons, which affect not only the beginning of different natural cycles, but our moods and choice of activities; whilst on a smaller scale, the Moon’s phases make up the time-span of a month. In fact, the etymology of the word month, comes from the Indo-European word, ‘me(n)ses’, meaning “moon.” 1
During this period, the Moon also moves through the zodiac, with every progressive full or new moon cycle occurring in the sign more or less following that of the previous month.
Lunar Phases
NEW MOON IN VIRGO – 25 August 2014
In the last week of August, a New Moon began a new monthly lunar cycle for us all. This one, which took place in modest, hardworking Virgo, favours new initiatives and fresh starts in the arena of gardening, handmade goods, writing/editing projects, health & nutrition and any job that requires assisting someone else. Precision and helpfulness are two qualities emphasised now.
This particular New Moon happened to oppose Neptune, which suggests that sub-theme this month may be that of confidence, sacrifice and practicality. How realistic are you in terms of your expectations, both of yourself and others? Learning to be constructive with criticism or having the confidence to handle bad reviews of your work may be other ways in which this energy manifests.
The Full Moon in Pisces may come a little early for many people’s tastes as the lunar and solar cycles continue to remain out of sync. Full Moons are emotional at the best of times, but in oceanic Pisces, this could well tip over into fits of sobbing, feelings of helplessness or waves of compassion for the suffering of others. If you feel as though you have very think skin now, then take extra measures to protect yourself psychically and emotionally now.
Around this time, you could find yourself addressing certain Neptunian themes that may have kept re-surfacing during last months’ many Neptune contacts. If you give away your power too easily, find it hard to say no or do everything you can to avoid facing reality/taking responsibility for your emotions/certain aspects of your everyday life, and then you could find things coming to a head around the Full Moon. See this as a chance to identify ways to harness your artistic/psychic gifts and sensitive nature for the benefit of other people without losing yourself at the same time. Spending time on your own could be helpful while the Moon is in Pisces, so try to leave some gaps in your schedule for a bit of downtime between 8-11 September.
Solar Phases
SUN INTO LIBRA – 23 Sep 2014
We reach the equinox on 23 September, just as the Sun slips into harmony-loving Libra. This heralds a fresh 30-day period in which relationships feature strongly. You may also find yourself striving to improve your work-life balance at this time, or simply inject some more peace and tranquillity into everyday life. Compromise, moderation and symmetry are other themes likely to be strong at this time.
Planetary Events & Energy Shifts throughout August 2014
Mercury into Libra: 2-27 September
After spending the second half of August in the sign of its exaltation, Mercury glides into relationship-oriented Libra. From here, you can expect to hear more about issues such as gender equality in the workplace, as well as speeches or politicking about matters like gay marriage. Intellectually, mercury likes fair play and will always seek a balanced point of view. Where there are arguments between different sides, Mercury in Libra is likely to make people seek compromise. Expect to feel more inclined to seek the middle ground intellectually and also to lean more towards one-to-one collaborations in politics, journalism and educational or academic activities. From here, mercury makes a number of contacts to the outer planets, some good and some bad. Mark the 10th in your diary though – thanks to a sextile to Jupiter, you could come up with a really big idea or concept around this time, so keep your notebook handy!
Venus into Virgo: 5-29 September
Early in September, the planet of romance and abundance will follow in Mercury’s footsteps, ingressing into the sign of Virgo, where it will stay for most of the month. Venus in Virgo is a bit of an awkward fit, which is why Venus is traditionally considered to be in fall when in this sign. Here, Venus is said to be a bit prissy and barren reproductively. Of course, much depends on how you interpret Virgo – for the ancient Mesopotamians, this was the sign of the harvest when food was abundant, so the goddess that ruled over this part of the zodiac was considered to rule fertility and plenty – a far cry from the later Christian overlay meant to chime more with the Virgin Mary! Venus will be especially powerful between September the 14th and 21st, when she makes two key contacts with Pluto and Saturn. Use this week to make important changes to relationships or shifts in creativity.
Mars into Sagittarius: 13 Sep – 25 Oct
Midway through September, the planet of confidence and physical vitality is due to change signs. Entering enthusiastic Sagittarius on the 13th, Mars is likely to add a certain bounce to people’s steps from this optimistic and zestful sign. Expect to feel much less apathetic and serious than you did during Mars’ stay in Scorpio. Instead of being suspicious of everyone, you’ll now feel more a lot more perky and willing to take more risks. Just try not to push the envelope too far on the 25th when Mars squares Pluto – an authority figure may come down on hard on you now.
This month, we have some major cosmic energy shifts to look forward to. Below are some astrological highlights to take note of during September.
Personal power, lifestyle changes, self-transformation
Sun trine Pluto – 3 September
If you’ve been considering making a few lifestyle changes lately, then today is a great time to take steps in a more healthy and structured direction, thanks to a powerful Sun-Pluto trine. Shedding weight or eliminating what is no longer useful or productive are both favoured now, as is a more wholesome diet. Spinal support, self-discipline and structure are keywords now. Deepening personal ties to those with whom you feel a strong, even profound connection is another theme during this time. This is not a time for half measures, though, so be certain of what you want before you act – there may be no going back afterwards – well, certainly not before the 23rd, when Pluto retrogrades!
Lyrical movement, poetry in motion, active imagination
Mars trine Neptune – 7 August
If you’re looking to improve your choreography skills, sign up for a dance class or hone your musical delivery, this aspect offers you the perfect opportunity to do so. The energy and vitality of Mars combines perfectly with the refinement and sensitivity of Neptune today to give you the rare ability to be physically powerful and yet graceful at the same time. This astrological pairing should serve to stir your imagination, leading to sizzling poetry, sexy designs, and moving film scenes or photographs. Try a more active approach to creativity or alternatively, a more contemplative, spiritual approach to physical activities now: perhaps, composing on the hoof, or meditating while exercising – you may be amazed at the results. Tender love-making is another possible expression of this aspect, so make time for romance today – chances are, you’ll be glad you did!
Relationship shifts, magnetic attraction, creative transformation, social influence
Venus trine Pluto – 14 September
If you’re keen to make win friends and influence people, then you’ll love this planetary combination. The planet of charm and seduction joins forces with the supreme symbol of magnetic allure and mesmeric charisma, making it difficult for others to resist when you fix them with your gaze or flash them a smile. If you’re single, you could meet someone for whom you feel an instant and powerful attraction. Creatively, this is an excellent time to metamorphose into a new style or take your work to another, more profound level. Those in relationships could find their love and commitment deepening now. Be aware that Pluto will retrograde on the 23rd, which may call for adjustments.
Romantic commitment, love with an older man/younger woman, solid creative plans
Venus sextile Saturn – 21 September
If you’re keen to make your current relationship more permanent or meet someone older/younger, then today is a great day to do so, thanks to the co-operation of Venus and Saturn. Inter-generational love could be another theme now, so don’t let someone’s age get in the way of a potentially fulfilling connection. On the creative front, this is a great time to be making solid plans to take an idea forward or put something into practice. Err on the side of caution and give plenty of thought to how to fool proof plans now – your foresight and dedication will yield dividends. Persistence and staying power are both favoured now.
Dramatic shifts, physical pain, power struggles
Mars square Pluto – 22 September
After last month’s positive Mars-Pluto trine, we now reach the square. This calls for some fine-tuning to decisions or actions taken around the 15th of last month. Perhaps you have made some progress and now need to overcome a few obstacles or change tack slightly in order to cope with shifting circumstances? If so, see this time as a period of adjustment, rather than a sign of failure. Developing more self-discipline or shaving off any dead weight may be necessary in order to take things to the next level. Keeping ego out of matters will help you avoid destructive power struggles, as will finding a way to cope with annoying but unavoidable realities like red tape or policy changes. Restrictions should ease after the 23rd when Pluto turns retrograde.
Big changes, inspired moves, individual beliefs, unusual tastes
Jupiter trine Uranus – 25 September
Sudden and unexpected leaps forward, snap decisions that come good and inspired changes are all possible now, thanks to the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus in a flowing trine. For the next few days, you can expect to feel much more positive about going it alone or starting afresh, so those keen to break out and try their hand at doing things solo will love the sense of freedom and possibility of this transit. Having the courage to speak up for your personal beliefs or cultural preferences should pan out well now, with others proving to be surprisingly tolerant and open to differences.
For more details of what to expect day by day, be sure to check out my daily astro-insights on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter.
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