Get ready for some serious smoke and mirrors as we head for Venus retrograde season, which begins on May 13 runs all the way to 25 June, which is one of the reasons why the planet of love, beauty, pleasure and creativity is going to spend so long in the sign of the twins.
Although this can be a time of second chances in love, particularly for twin flames and other separated lovers longing for reunion, this will also be a time of major tests, both of our powers of discrimination and of our willpower, thanks to a series of squares between Venus, Neptune and Mars.
We’ll get a taste of what these tests could potentially entail on May 4 when Venus makes the first of her three squares to romantic Neptune. Think back to June and September 2019 when Venus last made challenging aspects to the planet of magic and mirages.
My advice: Arm yourself with some firm resolve and a pair of X-Ray specs, because, like Eve and those unsuspecting sailors who came within earshot of the siren’s call, you’re about to be tempted – bigtime!
Find out more in my latest video forecast.