On July 28, four days after the first of two Aquarius Full Moons this Leo season, Jupiter returns to the humanitarian and principled sign of Aquarius, a position it last occupied until mid-May 2021 when it ingressed into Pisces.
This is in part down to Jupiter’s annual retrograde cycle, which began in June, shortly after the Gemini solar eclipse. The fact that Jupiter will remain in ‘hermit’/nostalgia mode until December suggests that this return could manifest in one of two ways:
- Either it will signal the return of the hopeful feelings we all harboured from the solstice Grand Conjunction in December 2020 until about February 2021, when the fear and anxiety-inducing Saturn-Uranus squares kicked in (retrogrades can signal INTERNAL shifts).
- Or, it could result in favourable karma or luck as a result of past efforts or previous good turns; or perhaps realizations about the lessons you’ve learnt, or how much you’ve grown as a result of past experiences.
How this expresses itself is likely to be different for each of us, and depend on where Jupiter falls in your natal charts, what planets it aspects etc. But generally speaking, it does usually have a positive and expansive influence, making people more philosophical, tolerant and upbeat. Occurring so close to the July 2021 Aquarius Full Moon, I suspect it is likely to have a surprisingly feelgood effect, enhancing the summer/school holiday vibes, especially in the northern hemisphere.
Of course, retrograde season happens every year, so on the surface of things, it would appear to be nothing special. However, what makes this particular re-entry so interesting is: a) Bitcoin; and b) the fact that this year, we have not one, but TWO Aquarius full moons happening in a row: one in July and one in August, which together, bookmark the beginning and end of the zodiac sign of the water bearer.
And it is the SECOND Aquarius Full Moon where things get especially buoyant, thanks to a conjunction between the Full Moon and Jupiter. More on this in a future forecast (sign up for my free newsletter if you want the low-down).
Jupiter’s ingress back into Aquarius also promises to have some favourable spin-offs for Bitcoin. Find out more in my latest Astro-Insights blog post.