Axis of Change: 2020 Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse

The Solstice Solar Eclipse in Cancer that occurs on 21 June 2020 will begin a brand new six month cycle for the collective. No doubt this will come as welcome news to many, given that the last soli-lunar cycle, which was over-shadowed by the Capricorn Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January, didn’t exactly turn out to be a picnic.

Luckily, this particular eclipse promises to be a completely different animal. Light-oriented and hope-filled, it will coincide with opening of the Sirius stargate, marked by the solstice and the heliacal rising of the two great ‘Suns’ of our galaxy, an astrological alignment made famous by the ancient Egyptians in their New Year festival, which was focused on abundance, fertility, life-force energy and the healing power of their mother goddess, Isis.

Mercury, currently retrograde in nostalgic and emotional Cancer, will join with Sirius – the brightest star in our galaxy – at the eclipse, to usher in a time of great ‘rememberings’ of past life gifts and wisdom; as well as an opportunity to release challenging beliefs and difficult ancestral karma. This meeting of human and cosmic minds has the potential to activate a surge in downloads and lightcodes from the Higher Dimensions, leading to spiritual awakenings and aha moments for many on the planet, particularly around relationships, parenting, and self-love, as well as how we choose to live and nourish ourselves in the future. For change is certainly on the cards, something that is likely to be accelerated by both the June-July eclipses and the second conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto since April.

In a continuation of the themes around beliefs, judgements and communication raised at the June Full Moon, a mutable T-square to Mars in Pisces will open up further opportunities for dialogue and growth, around how to free ourselves from the bondage of heavy karmic cycles and toxic patterns. For the collective, this will centre heavily around Orion ‘warrior’ themes, which have been so active, along with the planet of strife and war, Mars, since the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, with its Mars T-square and Orion Gateway alignments.

Coming as it does at the start of what is set to be a HUGE 10 days astrologically-speaking, this soli-lunar event is likely to feel highly charged and energetically expansive and upbeat, helped by the heart-opening and uplifting energy of Jupiter, which is set to make its second conjunction to Pluto on June 30. It’s worth remembering that this was also the energy of revolution and revelation that opened up the 444 gateway in April. Once again, humanity is being offered the opportunity for a major reset – will we choose take it?

To help you navigate through these energies and help you ease into the weekend, I have prepared some Eclipse Geoscopes on my YouTube channel. Enjoy!

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