Venus in Libra

Adjustments & Recalibrations

As the planet of love, abundance and self-worth glides through her last week in the sign of the scales, she’ll be confronted by the three outer planets in Capricorn, during which time we will all be forced to ask ourselves: ‘Do the books balance?’ in all senses of the word…

It’s time to make some adjustments and recalibrations so that money and relationships match up with our core values, beliefs and innate sense of fairness.

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Mercury Moves into Scorpio…

As Mercury heads for its second square to Saturn today, the need for restraint with regards to inflammatory language becomes ever more important, especially once the Cancer Moon joins the dynamic in the early hours of Saturday morning. This is when making poisonous words and paranoid thoughts can potentially become contagious.

With Pluto also lurking, invisible cloak on, in the background, the key message right now should be: “Handle with care, lest you open up Pandoras box…” Think the Greek Erinyes, or indeed, the verse from the Babylonian Hebrew prophet, Ezekiel that Samuel L Jackson so famously quoted in Pulp Fiction.

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Venus into Libra

As we near the Hunter’s Full Moon on October 31, Venus changes signs, ingressing into fair-minded and logical Libra on October 28. The irony being that the planet of relationship, peace and diplomacy will be anything BUT reasonable or balanced during November!

After a breezy October filled with fabulous earth trines, Venus is set to encounter more than a little resistance from the outer planets as you can see from the list of cardinal squares and oppositions listed in the graphic.

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October’s Astro-Insights

Your Guide to the Astrological Weather for October 2014… Prepare yourself for a month of expansion, excitement, progress and adventure. Thanks to plenty of planetary action involving lucky Jupiter, coupled with several powerful aspects occurring during this month’s lunar eclipse in Aries, October is set to be an excellent time for pursuing your passions and

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