Mercury retrograde

Bounceback or Bloodbath? Bitcoin & the Bloodmoon Lunar Eclipse

Bitcoin has taken a bit of a beating recently, thanks to a lot of FUD from the suits & money men about ‘bloodcoin’ – and some poorly timed announcements from Elon Musk. After a sharp drop in price of over $20K in the space of less than a week, It seems to be in the process of slowly recovering. But is it out of the woods yet?
In my latest forecast, I look at the outlook for Bitcoin for the rest of 2021 and how the May-June eclipses may hold the key to what happens next in crypto’s biggest success story.

Bounceback or Bloodbath? Bitcoin & the Bloodmoon Lunar Eclipse Read More »

Venus into Libra

As we near the Hunter’s Full Moon on October 31, Venus changes signs, ingressing into fair-minded and logical Libra on October 28. The irony being that the planet of relationship, peace and diplomacy will be anything BUT reasonable or balanced during November!

After a breezy October filled with fabulous earth trines, Venus is set to encounter more than a little resistance from the outer planets as you can see from the list of cardinal squares and oppositions listed in the graphic.

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Navigating the Brexit Maze

Mercury is now forward and heading back towards a number of key transits to the outer planets between now and the UKs current Brexit deadline – the 12th of April. What will emerge from the saga taking place at the heart of Westminster? Find out in my latest blog post…

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July 2018 Skylights

Like June, July is set to be extremely, marked with some fabulous highs, but some equally difficult lows, so you’ll need to keep your wits about you. In addition, we have two eclipses to look forward to. Read on for a last of starry signposts to mark in your diary. this month…..READ MORE

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